M.A.D.E VSP Program

Verified Service Providers (VSPs) are individuals or teams vetted by M.A.D.E to ensure those who work with us receive top notch service. Our VSP program consists of artists, developers, security experts, consultants and designers that have aligned themselves with M.A.D.E in effort to showcase the quality of their work in web3 and beyond. The VSP application is available to every individual or community that holds our M.A.D.E Creator Token. From dev resources and networking events to coordination on projects and troubleshooting, it is our goal to make sure that projects and those building on web3 have the necessary tools to do so with integrity and longevity in mind. Once accepted you will be added to an extensive network of individuals who have been hand selected by M.A.D.E to be a viable option for those looking to create or collaborate on projects and protocols.

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